Silver-free Technology
shields against bacteria colonisation and
multiplication on textile surfaces.
Odor neutralizing and anti-static
prevents unpleasant odors.
PURETEC COOL® builds a durably fixed, positive-charged protective shield on textile substrates, which shields bacteria and prevents the colonization and multiplication on textile surfaces.
PUREtec cool® inhibits the reproduction of odor-causing bacteria on textiles to keep you feeling fresh days long.
Bacteria are inactivated when getting in direct contact with textile surfaces that are functionalized with PURETEC COOL®. Bacterial cells with their negative charge are first attracted and bonded by the protective shield. Then, the protective shield blocks the cell function and their re-production. This mechanism controls odor-causing bacteria and avoids unpleasant odors in textiles.

With PUREtec cool® Less is More
LESS WATER - More Sustainable with less water, less energy, less detergent, less washing
LESS WASTE -Garments last longer